It’s been many years since I last attempted to conquer Herman Melville’s masterpiece Moby Dick, and it haunts me to this day. And when I spy that inscrutable thing again on a shelf, to the last page I shall grapple with it. Japanese builder aurore&aube (aurore&aube) has conquered the white whale in LEGO form, with Moby Dick ascending from the deep to harry Captain Ahab and the Pequod. Using wedges and curved slopes, the builder has captured the essential shape of the sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus. The red interior of his open maw is a lovely touch.
Oddly perhaps, Moby Dick is a popular subject of LEGO models. Don’t miss Captain Ahab being dragged into the deep by Letranger Absurde and Ryan Rubino’s white whale battling a giant squid.