Spacefair Fleet Week & Rancorbait Galactic Celebration

It’s Seafair Fleet Week here in Seattle, and the annual “Parade of Ships” went past my downtown office window this afternoon. Inspired by all those big boats on Elliott Bay, I went looking for a nice set of cool LEGO ships, and quickly found these beauties by Rancorbait.

First up, the “Nova” Medium Assault Cruiser incorporates great brick-built striping and a sporty red fin.

"Nova" Medium Assault Cruiser

The “Eclipse” Heavy Assault Cruiser is very obviously part of the same fleet, with a consistent design aesthetic, though the Eclipse is a bit larger and has significantly more greebles. The bridge overhanging the white section is an excellent touch.

"Eclipse" Heavy Assault Cruiser

Finally, though it’s a different scale and certainly isn’t part of the same fleet, I can’t help but love this big red “Warthog” gunship. There are just so many non-right angles all over this thing!


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