Win Tickets to New York ComicCon! [Contest]

The kind folks at Lego have offered us five free tickets to the first day of NYCC to give to our readers (Thursday October 9). What’s more, the winners will be invited to a special event at 1pm, where a new theme will be announced! The winners will get access to NYCC that day, the afternoon panel, and a special evening event.

Comment on this post to enter!

You must be able to get yourself to NYCC for the event, at your own expense, as all this contest provides is the NYCC ticket mentioned above. Transportation, lodging, etc is not included. Contest will be closed at 11:59 pm EST on September 19th.

97 comments on “Win Tickets to New York ComicCon! [Contest]

  1. Jpinelli45

    Hmm, we’ll considering I’m only an hour away and haven’t been to NYCC in 5 years this may be a good chance

  2. IllustriousVar

    Was planning on attending Comic Con anyway, would be great if I could get access to that special event too :)

    Excited either way! And good luck to all entries!

  3. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    Ooh. I live only two to three hours away from NYC so its not out of the question going there. I’ve never been to Comic-Con or any sort of similar event, but the LEGO announcement certainly sounds intriguing.

  4. jasjuliet

    I live in Jersey and commute right by the Javits center every day for college :) I do Graphic Design and Illustration, and wanted to go to NYCC my senior year, but wasn’t able to purchase tickets online before they ran out…this is amazing, and I’d love the opportunity to go!

  5. Deanc

    Haven’t been to a comic-con in a long time , would be fun to go to one again . Live right above NYC so would be easy to get too . P.S. keep up the great work on the site .

  6. jessica21047

    *comment*!!!!!!!!!!! OMG please pick me! Ugh, that rhymes, too much time with my toddler, please give me a break!

  7. bobalego

    I have already missed 4 days of work so far because of Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease…It hurts to type this, but I want to go very badly, it is worth the pain and I can’t wait to ask for more time off…plus I have a vintage LEGO Bionicle T-Shirt to wear…or Johnny Thunder…so a new sub-contest can decide which one I wear when I am picked to go!

  8. gaofar

    I’d love to go. I’ve got experience as a free lance photographer and could do a shoot and article while there.

  9. Mesonak

    This would be a fantastic experience; gaining access to the special reveal of a new theme and getting to experience all that NYCC has to offer sounds like a grand time to me.

    Hope I make the cut, and good luck to all other entrants. :D

  10. Shibax5

    I would like to go to NYCC cause as much as i love comics, i also love movies, shows, video games & also anime but comicbooks are the reason I’m into conventions like this!

  11. galaxyfe

    It was my son’s birthday just 44 minutes ago. We spent the day buying Legos. I once sent the President of Lego America an email inquiring about an exclusive NYCC minifig and received a few letters back as well as the minifig in question. Would love to take my son and make a special trip out of it.

    Good luck everyone,


  12. RockaRocks

    Attending Comic Con is something that I’ve always wanted to do; I would be eternally grateful if you would grant me this opportunity! :D

  13. themidnightrocker

    I’m a fan of the site! I live in the NYC area and love Comic-Con but could not afford to get tickets this year. It would mean so much to me to be able to go for a day and experience the thrill of the event. Thanks so much for the opportunity and best of luck to everyone involved.

  14. murphquake

    Representing Queens, and I LUG NY, would love to get to this event, especially with the new Flatiron District Store Grand Opening event that same weekend! -bill

  15. bluewithinblue

    I’ve been considering heading to a convention for some time now, never been to one before. I’m close to NYC and free tickets sure would help!

  16. Kahi

    I’m really hoping to get into the panel; I’m only going to be there for that day, and it’d suck to get all the way out there and be so close and yet so far.

  17. UDD2015

    This certainly sounds like an interesting prospect; I’d love to be able to attend the panel/special event and get to witness what will be announced there.

  18. GarrustheTurian

    I believe the new theme that will be unveiled will be BIONICLE, and I’d love to be at the event to witness the return of my favorite theme! Thanks a bunch for doing this!!

  19. COGFenix

    Wow this has so many posts. I doubt I have a chance to win :(

    I’d still like to enter though! Thank you!

  20. JangaranG

    Thanks for holding this contest; stiff competition but I’ve got nothing to lose by throwing myself into the ring.

  21. Lightningjay

    I just heard on BZPower that BIONICLE has been confirmed and will be appearing at NYCC. As such, I’d rather appreciate getting the chance to see its unveiling firsthand. :)

  22. ArtemisFowl

    I can handle transportation and hotel, but I’d need a ticket to get there! Thank ya much for doin this giveaway!

  23. ArbyChief

    Shame the tickets aren’t for multiple days (would love to see the Halo panel), but I’d still enjoy the experience. :)

  24. AgentLocke

    I’m aware that I’m entering quite late, but I feel I owe it to myself to try. I’ve always dreamed of going to New York City; this giveaway could be my ticket (get it? haha) to achieving that dream. I would be eternally grateful if you would grant me this opportunity.

    My thanks,

  25. amazingelectro

    i’m a HUGE comic book fan and i’ve always wanted to go to a con! i wonder if lego will have any of the 2015 superheroes sets on display?

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