Villa Amanzi is an amazing holiday-getaway

If Phuket in Thailand tickles your fancy and you’ve got some money to burn, perhaps Villa Amanzi is just the place to rent for your holiday.

Villa Amanzi

This spectacular model of the villa was built by Robert Turner (rt_bricks). It’s roughly half minifig scale, but still measures a respectable 96 studs x 64 studs x 61 bricks and has a detailed interior. The house is fantastic, but I particularly like the rock face and the tropical foliage above it. Robert’s description sounds as though it could be from a holiday brochure: “It features a 15 metre infinity pool overlooking the Andaman Sea, 6 bedrooms, and a contemporary modern design nestled into the edge of a ravine and up against an impressive rock face that penetrates into the house on multiple floors”

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4 comments on “Villa Amanzi is an amazing holiday-getaway

  1. Nicholas

    I see this and beyond the amazement and the respect for the designer, I think of the cost of his time and talent BUT more importantly (I live on social Security and Teachers Retirement disability) I think of the cost of money!
    Many viewrs forget these three tag lines when seeing a wonderful design like this one: time, talent and treasure!

  2. Ralph Post author

    ^Some of the models we blog indeed couldn’t be done without a significant investment in money and this is one of those. However, I think that talent and dedication is paramount. You can have heaps of LEGO, but because you have no talent still not manage to build anything halfway decent. However, if you are talented, you can probably builds something decent with only a relatively small quantity of parts, and fortunately, we do blog a fair of those builds as well.

  3. hipp5

    I’m not even sure this build would be THAT expensive (although I suppose measurement of expense is relative to the measurer). There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of unique or rare pieces in the build, and light bley/grey slopes are dirt cheap.

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