December 2013 Cover Photos

Well the Cover photos have once again been updated on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Heading into the holiday season I chose two images that seemed appropriate.

For Facebook, we get this hilarious representation of the absurdity that takes place on Black Friday by Gregory Coquelz. I know none of our wonderful readers would eat the brains of fellow shoppers just so they get their undead hands on that last LEGO Friends set, but the image is fitting of the season nonetheless.

Brick Friday

Twitter gets a brighter, happier image by Adam Dodge. Wouldn’t it be great if the world really were made out of LEGO and we were all little yellow minifigures? Just think of the peace and harmony. And if the armies of the world were only armed with flick fire missiles, war would be pretty ineffective and harmless.

We are the World

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4 comments on “December 2013 Cover Photos

  1. mkm

    The same link is used for both photos — can you please update the source for the Adam Dodge photo? Thanks!

  2. Verde

    Then again, if we did live in a Lego world, we might very well face the same problem the minifigs face in the upcoming Lego Movie – being permanently glued together! ;)

  3. JimmytheJ

    Plastic war would be great… can’t see it would be much cleaner, since Brik Wars is a very messy game. A lot of minifigs die horribly, but only for about a half hour : )

    Great choices, though I feel I should lend them some zombies so they can go for the full effect of the shoulder-to-shoulder shoving. Cyber Monday was intense, especially for Natwest members- the bank simply ground to a halt. No payments, no withdrawals… I can’t get the Lego online shop to work at all right now, any other UK-buyers seeing this? My checkout button doesn’t link to the checkout anymore. Hope the failed Natwest thing hasn’t made lego suspend my account.

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