Digital Delay

It’s time to check in for an extended stay with our friends in digital space, constant reader to find out what’s new (and in some cases not so new) in their world. The genres are as diverse as the builders surveyed so grab your favorite beverage and get ready for some real refreshment.

I want to grab the attention of readers who are not usually fans of digital builds and this image by Nachapon Sintateeyakorn is sure to lure in the unwary with visions of rare gold minifigs. You covet the gold, don’t you?


Next we’ll take to the skies of old with Brian Fitzimmons and his B-17 Flying Fortress.

B-17 Flying Fortress

For those of you who like your aircraft modern, or perhaps just a little bit futuristic, enjoy the Mi-54 “Oleni” VTOL gunship by Matthew SylvanO. It also fits nicely into TBB’s well known Olive Conspiracy.


For some of you helmet-wearing, swooshing types we need to push things beyond the pedestrian clutches of mere gravity and explore the heavens with Tyler TJM and his Titan-Class Battleship.


Let’s bring it back down to earth at check out the goings on at the auto-show with Clemens Schneider.

The Show

What good is a car show without a car, in this case a classy SAAB 900 Turbo Convertible by the prolific builder Peter Blackert.

SAAB 900 Turbo Convertible

All this travel is making me hungry so let’s stop at the Micro Fishing Village by Matt Bace.

Micro Fishing Village

Now that we’re sufficiently full and grounded, let’s put on our Star Trek T-shirt that is one size too small and check out some additional Sci-Fi action, like this offering from Mike Szita called SK-S13D – Space Mobility Vehicle

SK-S13D - Space Mobility Vehicle

…or this flight of fancy called Owl Air Battlesuit by from the prolific Garry_rocks.

"Owl" Air Battlesuit

Perhaps our strangest offering in this exploration of all things digital is the delightfully original and aptly titled Architect of Ruin by Shine.


We conclude our journey with a fascinating comparison of the real and the digital, courtesy of tonight’s first builder Nachapon Sintateeyakorn and Simon Liu. Leave it to Simon to work his way into digital post with an analog model.


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