I thought this was a fitting follow-up post to Andrew’s, considering John Lennon & Yoko Ono’s Bed-Ins for Peace. The appropriateness of the subject matter aside, Arthur Gugik’s use of printed tiles is a really unique technique to create a LEGO mosaic, and one that adds a subtle colour variation.
Great find! I now feel the need to go listen to “Imagine” on repeat…
^haha, absolutely :)
Arthur also did it for Yoda a few years back. http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/35521
Clearly, Arthur’s work is another outstanding example of his amazing technique. I feel it important to point out that while Lennon did put his prominence to good use in advocating peace, his views and actions towards women over his life make it somewhat difficult to stand him up as a symbol of non-violence.
^ Sadly, many great men are not always good men. That truth doesn’t limit my admiration for his artistic and political work on the broader world stage.
Waitaminute…so this ISN’T Harry Potter? :p