DSV Beluga dives into the uncharted abyss

I ran across Victor Vercesi‘s LEGO creations right before I went on vacation, and came back to find this really great submersible inspired by both DSV Shinkai 6500 (which inspired the first successful Japanese CUUSOO project) and the DSV-4 Sea Cliff. Usage of the gray fence as the sub’s skids is inspired.

DSV Beluga

While I’m at it, here’s another great micro vehicle, the PA-51 Locusta V/STOL Assault Transport. I love the printed number tiles and the striping on the tarmac.

PA-51 Locusta V/STOL Assault Transport

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6 comments on “DSV Beluga dives into the uncharted abyss

  1. Andrew Post author

    ^ Have you ever actually tried building something at this scale? It’s, in fact, much harder than a larger-scale model. The fact that you think it looks easy is just proof that Victor did a great job.

  2. Jean C

    If Deus thought it looked hard, would it have been proof that Victor did a not-so-great job?

  3. Jean C

    The negative of an opinion of a Brother Brick is certain to get a negative response, though.

  4. Catsy

    I think the crux of the issue is that the comment Deus made was neither necessary nor constructive. If he’d said something like, “I’m not really feeling the sub; the robot arms look out of place and the downside of using that gray railing part on its side is that it makes the skids asymmetrical.”–that would’ve been constructive and probably wouldn’t have merited a “can you do any better?” sort of response.

    Instead what he posted was semantically equivalent to “the sub sucks and doesn’t belong on TBB”. He’s entitled to his opinion, but it’s the sort of opinion that’s generally polite to keep to oneself.

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