Space Battleship Yamato by Mark Rodrigues

I grew up watching bits and pieces of 「宇宙戦艦ヤマト」(Space Battleship Yamato) at friends’ houses back in Japan, but I have to admit that my fascination with the series today is largely due to the fleet of ships rather than for any sense of personal nostalgia. I’m a sucker for LEGO renditions of the titular ship, and this version by Mark Rodrigues doesn’t disappoint.

LEGO Space Battleship Yamato

Mark’s 1/250 scale Yamato took 4 months to build and represents his return to the LEGO hobby after a 4-year hiatus. I’d say the result was well worth the wait. The vessel is 45″ long and includes rotating turrets and opening wings.

Via Legobloggen.

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1 comment on “Space Battleship Yamato by Mark Rodrigues

  1. Creative Anarchy

    It’s very cool to see a smoothly curved bodytype done on a scale this small. Really impressive modelling.

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