
The name makes me think of the Oort Cloud at the edge of the solar system, which in turn makes me think of the Dragon Riders of Pern. More relevantly, this cool ship by JON1138 made a big impression at BrickCon earlier this month.

It’s one of several big space ships build primarily with dark blue lately. It’s making the big dark blue ship I’ve had in the works for the last year feel less special. Regardless, there’s a lot to like about this ship, and I’m especially fond of the trilateral symmetry. It is also fairly refreshing to see a micro scale creation of this size, as most builders choose to chase the minifig.


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3 comments on “Oort

  1. keith_goldman

    When you look at his entire fleet of SHIPs, it becomes clear Jon is one of the best builders we have in that genre. Although Arcturis is my favorite, each one is very cool in its own way. Rock on, Mr. Walker.

  2. ry

    I’ve been stockpiling dark blue parts for over two years now, and suddenly there’s a blitz of amazing dark blue SHIPs on display. I’m so jealous of the absolute greatness on display here (and in Tyler’s) and so very sad mine may never see the light of day, much less stand up to these. Well played, Jon.

  3. Catsy

    I’d be inclined to agree with Keith’s assessment. What blows me away is that I’ve been a fan of his inspiring works for a long time, and just never knew that they were all by the same person.

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