The Monster will kill us All!

Matt Armstrong takes on the world with this brick-built explosive device. It’s truly da bomb. It blows me away. Okay….I’ll stop now.

Lego Bomb Dynamite

Weigh in on which wire he should cut…..

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5 comments on “The Monster will kill us All!

  1. Creative Anarchy

    I’m pretty pro military bricks, and I have some gun-nut opinions about life but this kind of makes me uncomfortable. I know chemical explosives are used in a wide variety of applications but this pic kind of provokes me in a bad way. I guess Matt can take it as a compliment if nothing else. Good modelling gives it a chilling realism

  2. onetruescotty

    Pretty much, this doesn’t even look like a bomb. It looks like a little black plastic box with a ton of wires sticking out, and a few of those actually manage to make it into that…. party… popper… thing….

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