Neo Futuron?

Yes please. I really like the shape of this new ship by Ed Diment (Lego Monster). I’m often a fan of forward swept wings, so that’s a plus there. The chunkiness of the nose is also pleasing, and seems to be in keeping with the general aesthetic of the old Futuron sets. The addition of a ground crew shows an extra dedication to the build that’s nice to see.

Neo Futuron Reconciler

Will this be the first in a long string of creations? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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3 comments on “Neo Futuron?

  1. gigahound

    I don’t see anything here that resembles the Futuron theme except for the colors, and even those are far too controlled here. It’s a great-looking model and well-built, but it takes more than the same colors to copy a theme.

  2. worker201

    I really like the shape of this. And what I really love is that we could maybe have atmospheric fighters like this in 20 years or so.

  3. Creative Anarchy

    I don’t like the shape, the curves are a little overstylized for my liking but the execution is fantastic. I really do love how the fighter is both thick and sleek at the same time. It has a really awesome weight and scale to it. So much detail and best of all so much of it is in less obvious locations. I’m especially fond of that missile bay. It seems like a well-thought out feature.

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