With much relief, I’m pleased to announce that 10199 Winter Toy Shop is now available from the LEGO Shop online.
For $60, you get 7 minifigs and 815 pieces. The set also has some great microscale detailing inside the shop.
No luck yet on 6299 LEGO Pirates Advent Calendar, but rest assured we’ll be talking to the team from LEGO about this at BrickCon this weekend.
Oh, boy, I can almost imagine a swarm of TBB readers gathering around TLG. It’s what would happen if BZP ever got to see some set designers.
Sweet looking set, and a great price!
Oooh, what a bargain! Shame I live out here in Australia where lego is almost twice as much as in the US
Both City and Pirate advent calenders are available now for 19,99 euros each, just not in the US…
But then, you guys are getting the toy store much cheaper than the rest of the world.
The set is still overpriced. The building looks very small, and most of it is a Christmas tree. However it looks very very nice.
I picked my two up today at the LEGO Imagaination Center at the Mall of America but haven’t taken it out of the vehicle because it’s been pouring rain all day. For those who want to take a closer look the replacement instructions are online now at http://cache.lego.com/bigdownloads/buildinginstructions/4566066.pdf
$60 for over 800 pieces and 7 figs? Who in their right mind could complain about that? If you don’t like the set, fine…but give TLC credit where it’s due. This is an excellently priced set, and we should hope they continue this trend, rather than what they had done with Pirates, or even the Star Wars dropship…which was just ridiculous.
Hope it’s available soon in the US.
I saw this in person today at BrickCon, and bear in mind also that it contains a full set of Power Functions, in addition to the regular LEGO bricks…
Combined with a Lego train, this would be a perfect building to start a under the tree Christmas village.
^ Exactly my thought. I was thinking of trying to build a little town to go with the Holiday Train, but have been dragging my feet on it. This is a great reason to start.
So glad the early price estimates were way off! :D
I agree with Stawars4J. This is another set aimed toward AFOLs*, and I think that we should be pretty dang happy that LEGO cares that much.
It would appear the lego put a lot of thought into making this set appeal to AFOLs. Rare pieces/colors, a detailed brickbuilt tree, seven minifigures (including carolers, agent trace hair, and a jester hat, two sets of “Sandy” bubble helmets), and overall, a lot of thought and detail put into the set.
(* “AFOL” refers to serious builders in general)
I hope everybody realizes the pictures is not the entire set. I think the Lego website people made a mistake her putting this image up front… it’s only a part of the set.
Oh and Andrew, a full set of power functions??? I thought it only contained a 2×3 light brick, identical to those in some Creator sets?
^ Yes, you’re right. I was responding to comments during BrickCon. I blame my lack of sleep. ;-)
Actually, that is the whole set, and it’s fabulous. I built it two nights ago and had a blast. The piece count is boosted by the sheer volume of 1×1 plates and tiles but who couldn’t use more of those? The 2×3 light brick is awesome and is identical to the creator sets in function but is a warm incandescent yellow instead of red. I sincerely hope that they continue this Christmas village theme for years to come. (Though I’ll have to eat some crow for making fun of my mother-in-law for hers)