The Adventures of Sherblock Holmes

Located at “221B Bricker Street,” this scene by Tyler Clites beautifully evokes Victorian London as well as the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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5 comments on “The Adventures of Sherblock Holmes

  1. TooMuchCaffeine

    Now that is just brilliant. Got a real “gaslamp” feel to it. The hansom cab is particularly handsome.

    What we need now is a group dedicated to recreating the stories in Lego form. I love Sherlock Holmes, can’t believe I’ve never thought of trying to build any myself.

  2. Sherblock

    Hope you guys don’t mind that I used this for my username and account name on flickr. I applaud your genius!

  3. Mark Kelso

    Nice one, Tyler! Great parts usage throughout. I could see LEGO using this subject as a theme – although we know sets are never usually great builds, it would have potential in as a theme.

  4. Stevie

    That cobble stone paving is fantastic! I was also pretty stunned by your furniture designs, particularly the armchair made from mini-fig arms and legs. The penny-farthing bicycle is masterful too!

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