Announcing the first-ever LEGO fan expo in Romania [News]

Following quickly on the heels of our post about how to get your LEGO event announced here on The Brothers Brick, Adrian Florea has just announced the first-ever LEGO fan event to be held in Romania.

Here are the details:

Name: Lego fan Expo -First ever AFOL event in Romania
Location: Palatul Copiilor Republicii str. nr 23. Cluj-Napoca , Romania
Time: December 3-7
Hours: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

And here are a few words from Adrian in Romanian:

Va invitam la prima expozitie de LEGO organizata de fanii LEGO din Romania. Evenimentul va include pe langa exponatele alcatuite din colectii si creatii personale, concursuri cu premii si activitati.

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5 comments on “Announcing the first-ever LEGO fan expo in Romania [News]

  1. Exxos

    I read this and the first thing that came to mind was, “They have legos in Romania?!” Then the second thought was, “They have internet in Romania?!” The last time I was in Romania, I remember it being basically two old babushka-looking ladies, a tree, a castle, and a lot of desolate looking towns that resembled a combination of the Goblin City from Labyrinth and the bombed out ruins of Prague.

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