As much as we’d like to, The Brothers Brick can’t attend every LEGO event that takes place throughout the world. That’s why it’s great to rely on all the LEGO bloggers out there who attend events in their area.
Members of a new LEGO club based in Zagreb, Croatia recently launched their own blog, Kockice, and they’ve covered KockeFest, which took place on October 18 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Check out the full write-up and more pictures on Kockice and the Kocke Klub site.
(With additional thanks — and an apology for the belated post — to Marko.)
Also held on October 18 was the Twin Cities Brick eXpo in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Isn’t it funny how a name can be perfectly logical and meaningful in one language and full of double entendre in another?
Taken with the unintentional phallic nature of the accompanying photo and this post ends up full of unexpected connotations.
Or is it just me?
Nah mate, I thought it was hilarious too!
Well done Matija!!!!
I’m fairly sure the C is pronounced “ts” or “tch”, so that hadn’t even occurred to me. Let’s try to keep the comments clean, guys.
Really!!! You didn’t think that? Wow, is all I can say.
I also thought aussie’s comment was extremely well written given his subject matter. He stated the obvious and used suitable language. *golf clap for aussie*
Yep, right there in the gutter with ya. :p
Glad you said it aussie, many where thinking it.
Kockefest has been organized by the main Slowenian LEGO club called It was the first time this kind of show was organized by the AFOLs in Slowenia. Members of Croatian club were also displaying two very interesting MOCs, which has made our Kockefest1 an international event. The results were over any expectations, the visitors were more than pleased and all of us members at are already looking forward to organize Kockefest2.
LA 08/09 Matjaz Selic
Maybe if the man or tower were moved to the side a bit it wouldn’t go quite as well with the english pronunciation…
I have to admit, my mind took a tour of the gutter as well.
That said, I appreciate yet another venue to see pictures and get ideas from.