Jordan Neves, Zach Clapsadle, and Lukas Winklerprins are hosting a very cool contest running through the end of November — the Rebuild Your First MOC, but Good! contest.
Peter Morris improves on a childhood favorite with “SF-109E Eagle”:
David “Xenobuzz” Simmons also gets in on the action with his “JL-79 Cargo Hauler” (named after July 1979, when David was 10):
Read more about the contest on and the Classic-Space Flickr group, and then get building!
Do they mean our first published MOC? I don’t remember mine…
In 1996 I made a space ship that turned out to look just like the space ship in ID4. I tried rebuilding it back then, because it was really nice, and I can’t. lol
Zepher: It doesn’t have to be your FIRST, but make it a very early one.
Thanks for the shout-out Andrew!