BrickCon 2008: Thursday October 2nd

Andrew, Josh, and I are at BrickCon this week (the third and last LEGO convention in North America of 2008).

As usual, Thursday is arrival and setup, and from our photo coverage you can see the 20,000 square feet of display area in the process of filling up with marvelous creations. Andrew and I have uploaded a few pictures to our respective Flickr photostreams here and here. We will keep you updated with news of the opening ceremony and other important events happening Friday.

P.S.- this blog entry was written in the comfort of Andrew’s living room. More blog fests from headquarters to come…

EDIT (AB): Lonnon Foster has also begun uploading photos to his Flickr photostream.

10 comments on “BrickCon 2008: Thursday October 2nd

  1. Brent

    The pictures are a little too small. I would love to see some detail on that space needle at least.

  2. Pingback: relaunches with M21, baseball bat, and Lee-Enfield [News] | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  3. Mark Kelso

    Thanks for the coverage, guys! For those of us that can’t make it, it’s the next best thing. Hope you have a great time, and I’ll look forward to more pics!

  4. von goyle

    Yes, the detail would be nice, but definately don’t stop sending great shots like this one, it’s cool to get an idea of the layout and size of the area. Good pic for sure!

  5. Bryan

    Wow this latest exhibition hall is massive! Totally wish I could go, even for a day, but I have a wedding to attend on Saturday…

  6. Andrew

    @marisa: Welcome to The Brothers Brick, but please don’t post with hundreds of exclamation points in a row. It messes up the layout of the site for everybody else.

    @Alex: Nannan and I were blogging near midnight — always a confusing time… Good catch.

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