With so much amazing stuff to blog, I sometimes feel like we don’t feature the smaller creations often enough. I really think small creations take a lot of talent to design well, which is one reason why I like Tim Zarki‘s dive suit so much:
This would be perfect for, you know, hunting underwater zombies. ;-)
Nice suit, that looks like heavy duty stuff. And a very good photo/lighting as well! It somehow adds a realistic submarine feeling to it. (As if I ever were submarine and knew what I was talking about…)
I really like this. Grappling hook is a nice touch, and the arms seem very authentic for a deep sea dive suit.
My only gripe is that none of those pieces come in bronze.
Make it orange and you have the space suits from tintin goes to the moon
Tintin spacesuits were featured here:
Nice! Now THAT is a custom minifig! Not just repainted.
I have to make some of these for my Sci-Fi Brikwars army, they would fit right in! Ach! Es gefällt mir so! Now I’m excited! Please excuse me while I go build!
4 thumbs up!
This may or may not be right at home in my Zombie display contribution. Hmmm…
Um, Fisch…. are you saying you have 4 thumbs?!…….
He is secretly Goro from Mortal Kombat.
@wusmand – ….maybe….;]
No, he borrowed one of mine!