VR-9 Corbidion dropcraft by nnenn

nnenn continues to astound and amaze with his unorthodox shapes (and techniques, on occasion). This dropship — with perfectly fitted rover, naturally — may be my favorite nnenn creation in a very long time:

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10 comments on “VR-9 Corbidion dropcraft by nnenn

  1. Bob

    I am not impressed! As a matter of fact, I think it is rather ugly. It is not even that impressive of a build. I have to say that I am disappointed that it was blogged here!

  2. Will Will

    LOL @ Bob…

    This really caught my eye. What a unique piece of work. Extremely imaginative. I totally want to play with this thing — wonder how sturdy it is?

  3. Ryan (DeMartinet)

    Nice work! I really like the shape of this thing, and the gray vehicle. It could use more pink, though; there’s so little pink, it looks a little… awkward.

  4. Leonardo

    He he –

    Looks like Bob woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

    As strider said, it’s one of those creations that makes you just want to sit down on the floor and play with it. That little rover is just too awesome..

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