More than the sum of its parts

A mecha collaboration project that draws together three of the best Japanese mecha builders, the so-called LEGO Robo Session (LRS) teams up Izzo (Brickshelf), Kwi Chang (Brickshelf), and Moko (Brickshelf), with each builder building parts of a mecha. The parts are then combined into something incredible. Here’s round two of the project, which lasted from November 2007 to now. You can see their first mecha here.

For this session, Moko contributed 3 components (the body, backpack, and gun), Kwi Chang also provided 3 (the cockpit, head, and right hand), while Izzo built 4 components (cannon, left hand, legs, and waist) and assembled the completed mecha.

Via YSA.

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3 comments on “More than the sum of its parts

  1. Andrew

    Ah c’mon! I’d just finished writing my post was previewing it. :-D I’ll copy and paste my bits over into yours.

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