Eurobricks found pictures of two new upcoming LEGO Agents sets and a City set. I like to take a moment and thank Eurobricks and a few of their persisent members who dig in LEGO’s image cache to bring us these images. Click on each picture to see more of the set. I like all three for the diversity that they contribute to their respective themes, and I look forward to them later in the summer.
LEGO Agents 8637 Mission 7: Volcano Base
LEGO Agents 8636 Mission 8: Deep Sea Quest
Coast Guard 4210
theres nothing more evil than a volcano lair.
I think the designers at LEGO have been watching Austin Powers. That Volcano Lair is awesome.
You know, if you combine the sub set with the coast guard set, you’d get Diamonds are Forever. Or Thunderball.
Forgive my ignorance, but are the Agents sets exclusive to Toys ‘R’ Us in the US? Or rather, am I ever likely to see them in Australian stores, or will I need to get them online (either via or other retailers)?
The coast guard sets all look fantastic: I can’t wait to get my hands on them, especially the rescue helicopter.
Um…. Trans-orange in ridiculous amounts? I think yes. That is one incredibly well-designed volcano right there. Agents is looking more and more like my must-have theme this year.
D…did, did you just say Volcano Base? I just may weep!!!!!!
I take back everything I’ve said about the Agents series. I’ll take two please!
I’m totally diggin that new trans-blue octopus!
Love the Coast Guard sets! I could take them all and the additional Agents sets, wow. Go TLG!!
Sweet, these Agents sets are really growing on me. And is it just me, or is LEGO getting better at building?
I think the builds ARE getting better. Both in part design and choice when building. That said, when do we get to see the INSIDE of the volcano?
Seriously, I still want two. Don’t you think the villians deserve to have a convenient getaway gate on the back part of the island?
Two? Screw that, I’ll take six!
That clear “octo” would be great for a MOC I was just thinking of, for the book, “Skybreaker.”
Classic: “An Evil Volcano Lair” with an included, “Ultra Death-Ray!” to awesome!
The only time I ever thought I’d drool about an octopus was when it was on a plate over rice with soy sauce. I am now proven wrong.
i love that coast guard set 4210 if i had money for it i would go down to the store and buy it right now !!!
I can’t figure out what I love more. The Volcano Base, or the Coast Guard Platform.
Fair enough, Lego superheroes have always had bases, and some of the supervillain bases haven’t been so wonderful, but a genuine honest to goodness volcano base — and yet that Coast Guard pseudo-oil-rig is *so* darn gorgeous. I can’t decide.
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