Before you look at the pretty picture:
Q: Is this set for sale?
A: This is not an official set from LEGO, and no, it’s not for sale.
Minific customization master Nick (NickGreat) recently built the Kame House from Dragonball Z in a pseudo LEGO set style. Unfortunately this is the only picture I can find:
But meanwhile, check out Nick’s selection of the highest quality custom Dragonball Z character minifigs:
This is probably my favorite custom work ever done. big fan of dragon ball z!
I’ve never seen this, but I must say the quality of those customs are top-notch. Fantastic work.
I’m a big fan of dbz, and i love these. They’re really great, they’re quality is excellent. I think if lego would produce a dbz line of minifigs, they wouldn’t be as cool looking as these. Congrats, man!
The only question is, would you make more of these for me to buy?:D
thaose figs look sweet!
I can’t stand Dragonball Z, but those are the nicest minifigures I have seen. They almost look like real LEGO made minifigures.
Pingback: DBZ Bricked « ATOMSPLIT
Adults playing with toys…tsk tsk
To anyone who doesn’t know any better, that’s what’s going on here. To those better informed, brick building is a hobby, but to those of us who invest the time and money towards Lego expression… this is a great example of art. ART.
These are awesome!!! I have never seen anything like it. I love DBZ.
Seriously does anyone know where i could get a hold of these or the person that made these? Cheers
Oh-my-GOD!! These are the best Lego minifigs I’ve ever seen!!!
The only small problem is with the Kame House, as it is pink in fact, but doesn’t matter: These are da BEST!
those dbz toys are so rad i would do anything for toys. this is comeing from a 11 year old,dragon ball z is so cool
i love dbz and these are the best dbz-mini-figs i’ve ever seen!!!
love the house, love dbz and love lego.
p.s nice kakarot.
NickGreat when are you going to sell your dragon ball z legos. Dude if you have them at your house or where ever you build them sell them to me i will give you $50 dollers for the lego figure.
Hey….these r very kool minifigs….could u sell them fr my collection…i hav a whole room full of creations of lego….these r the best hope u’ll sell them to
please can you sell dragon ball z legos
amazing this is the best lego!!!!!!!
that’s so cool can i get all those things anyway?.. :D
they are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh man i am a big fan of lego and dragon ball z that is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are sooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a superrr big fan of dbz and lego it is sooooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool those are perfect how can I get those
Do you think you can make another set of custom minifigures and Kame’s house those are probably the best custom minifigures and
and set. You guys rock!
i want them! how can i get them ther not on ebay lol
I love this!!! I love dragonball z and legos! i think it’s the koolest thing to make this iv been waiting for dragonball z lego sets and i guess this is the next best thing. so AMAZING work! lol your Krillin minifig is my favorite.
can i buy them how much are they
มันน่ารักดีนะ I Love Dragonball z somush! Thank you LEGO,for good produce.
this is awesome!!!:D NICKBRICK RULES!!!
I hope he will make more of this!!!
i’ve seen this in another web-page too!!!
well then BYE!!!
gokuVSbuu It would be cool
wow whole dragonball z series cutest of all especially their faces
p.s.fuck you krillin
sorry for my languge mint fuck you frieza. still love the gohan
oooooooooo that is sooooooooooooooooooooo cool i like cel gohan goku buu vegeta and pikolo
why do the have to cost sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DBZ is ma fave animie
and lego is also coool!!!!
where can i get this?????
How can you do this figurs???
pls answer NICKGREAT!!!!!
OMG those are so awesome i would give 400$ for those iw ant to buy them are they up for buy?
Can I buy this set somewhere?
How did you make this set?
wow “Nick” you should make an brickfilm about Dragonball Z (maybe a fight between Goku and Piccolo ) it would be fantastic if you know how to do a brickfilm.Than you could upload the film in youtubue and so on.
wow “Nick” you should make an brickfilm about Dragonball Z (maybe a fight between Goku and Piccolo ) it would be fantastic if you know how to do a brickfilm.Than you could upload the film in youtube and so on.
ware do you get this stuff!
i want some