
As I’ve said before (I’m sure I say this every twelve months or so), I love that time of the year when new sets are starting to show up in stores and people are beginning to use the new pieces in interesting ways. Agent oo7 has used one of the new beards in 7036 Dwarfs Mining to create an absolutely perfect Edward “Blackbeard” Teach. The old-style capes oo7 used for Blackbeard’s coat are a nice touch.

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12 comments on “Yarrr!!!

  1. Keith G

    That damn lantern is so simple…yet so cool. It’s really one of those “now why didn’t I think of that”, kind of detail.

  2. Ty

    Wow. That’s Lego Blackbeard! That’s him! The head and the beard together are exactly how Blackbeard should look.

  3. Lego Shark

    D’oh… such an idiot. that’s been posted for about a week now and i just notice its a terrible terrible typo… NOT thongs- Things.

    I should be wearing a helmet wherever i go. jeez…

  4. Ryan (DeMartinet)

    It does damage the capes a little, though, stretching them over the leg studs. (I don’t know why, but it does; I’ve tried it.)

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