Reminiscent of his “Cosmic Chaos,” Nannan Z‘s latest foray into surrealistic LEGO art is titled “Antagonistic Forces Erupting from the Kiss of Bley”. Weird, sure, but oh so cool.
Reminiscent of his “Cosmic Chaos,” Nannan Z‘s latest foray into surrealistic LEGO art is titled “Antagonistic Forces Erupting from the Kiss of Bley”. Weird, sure, but oh so cool.
Although as awesomely made as all the others, this one doesn’t appeal to me as much; probably because of those hideous trans-pink elements (both shape and color).
If anyone gave me a “kiss of bley” I would probably erupt with antagonistic forces as well. :)
I DO think it looks great, but i do have to agree with smcginnis on that trans- pink element in there.
also, im gonna leave my onw signuture from now on. smcginiis inspired me! :)
-Lego Shark, thy who takes advice from alino hamsters
I saw this earlier on BS. It’s really cool.
any1 know how to get to runescape?