Morgan by Peter Reid

Can you spot all of the rare parts in this mecha by Peter Reid?

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10 comments on “Morgan by Peter Reid

  1. Kawabonga

    Kawabonga Says:

    May 29th, 2007 at 8:35 pm
    For any one who is interested in the store that sells these rare OGEL parts, the store is on
    The name of the store is :
    “Old Lego parts & sets”
    Maintained by heitra (5579)
    Location: Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

    The splash page of the store reads as follows:
    “Last Update of my splash page: 01-05-2007
    Looking for parts in special uncommon colors or special offers ?
    Just type special in the SEARCH Store field.”

    >>>>>Kawabonga, !!!!

    Kawabonga ALSO Says:

    Dunechaser I still do not see that lego video that I mentioned to you on this lego forum/cookiesheet/ lego page/ flowerpot/ bird foot/ blog. The lego film is very funny. It is titled “lego man rolls a joint.”

  2. Dunechaser Post author

    Thanks for the tip, Kawagonga. The video may be funny, but given the mix of both adults and kids who read this blog, I’m afraid I draw the line at marijuana use. Just sayin’. :-)

  3. smcginnis

    Are those R2 bodies rare in red? And maybe those paddles in dark grey?


  4. Kawabonga

    No, smcginnis , dark gray Signal Paddles are not rare and nor are the red R2d2 bodies there is so many of those red bodies I will not list their quantities.

    Dark Gray Minifig, Utensil Signal Paddle
    Parts: Minifig, Utensil
    Location: USA, Minimum Order: $10.00 Amazing Bricks (8596)
    Qty: 20
    Each: $0.25

    Search for This Item | Catalog Entry |

    * New Dark Gray Minifig, Utensil Signal Paddle
    Parts: Minifig, Utensil
    Location: United Kingdom, Minimum Order: $10.00 Hooked On Lego UK (2282)
    Qty: 110
    Each: $0.30

    Search for This Item | Catalog Entry |

    * New Dark Gray Minifig, Utensil Signal Paddle
    Parts: Minifig, Utensil
    Location: USA, Minimum Order: $5.00 A Blockium Blast (2092)
    Qty: 15
    Each: $0.48

  5. smcginnis

    I don’t mean rare as in ‘how expensive are they;’ I mean it as in ‘how many sets were they in.’ According to both Peeron and BrickLink, dark grey paddles didn’t appear in any sets. Now, they probably might’ve, at one point, but I don’t know where.

    I do remember now seeing the R2 bodies in some fire helicopters, though.


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