LEGO wants to know: What car should they release as a set?

The LEGO Company wants to know from the adult LEGO collector community what car they should make as a set. Once again via the furiously typing fingers of LEGO Ambassador Nelson Yrizarry, the Brothers Brick has received the following message from LEGO:

The LEGO Design team is considering making a kind of collector’s car, and would like to hear from the AFOL community which car would like to be seen as an official LEGO set. The only restrictions are:- The car should be for display, which means with only few functions.
– The car should get a body build with System bricks.
– The car should be very iconic/well know in Europe and US.
– The car should be from the past 30 years.

Please suggest the Make and Model of the car you would like to see as a new LEGO set!

Nelson will collate responses you leave here on TBB and pass them along to LEGO. How cool is that? Thanks Nelson!

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4 comments on “LEGO wants to know: What car should they release as a set?

  1. Pingback: The Brothers Brick » Blog Archive » News: Prototype Sets Shown at Fan Event in Germany

  2. Pingback: The Brothers Brick - LEGO Blog » Blog Archive » News: Classic Volkswagen Beetle set from LEGO in 2008

  3. Andrew Post author

    ^ This post is nearly two years old, and the set has already been released (see the links in the previous comment).

    I’m going to lock comments on this post to avoid any dashed hopes. ;-)

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