Hi there. You might notice that I’m not one of the usual posters – Andrew or Josh – but rather someone else. My name is Linus Bohman, and I usually build and hang out with lego space builders. If you recognize my name you might have seen me on Classic-Space or From Bricks To Bothans. Andrew has contracted me (I wont say what I get out of this ;-) to be part of the bigger better Brother’s Brick and bring you the latest and best of the spacey goodness out there – something I intend to do swiftly and unmercifully. Now, let’s get it on!
Mark Stafford has posted an update to the previously blogged Mako. The new craft is a military version, and a great improvement to an already nice craft:
The new craft is called Isurus. Wonder why? Read Mark’s short comic strip, entitled “gentle persuasion“, to find out…
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