Monthly Archives: April 2006

BaronSat’s Brick-Built Bantha

Brickshelf user PipCasbar just posted a nifty brick-built Bantha based on a model by BaronSat. This naturally prompted me to look up the original. Very nice indeed:

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Of Troubadours and Sculptors

Although marakoeschtra announced in this thread on that he wouldn’t be updating his castle characters gallery quite so often, here are two new additions — a troubadour and a sculptor:

Taiko V-Pod by Hiro

I love a good taiko (Japanese drum) show. Here’s a nice one from Hiro:

Cbolego’s Minifigs

I’ve been enjoying the minifigs featured in Brickshelf user cbolego’s creations for some time now (especially “Land of the Dead” and “Metal Slug 5“). Here are some fig-only pictures of these great characters:

“Land of the Dead” zombies:

(Click to see the full “Land of the Dead” gallery.)

Barbel-wielding giants controlled by an evil scientist:

And some angry villagers who might take issue with the scientist’s “experiments”:

More Chaucerian Madness: Canterbury Tales Minifigs

Maistre Chaucer asketh of us a boone upon hys blogge this daye ye firste of Aprille: “Declaymen my tales. To yowrselves, to yowr frendes, or simplye in the marketplace or churchyarde.” Thou shalt han thy boone, myne gud mann. Beholde ye sundrie personnes both noble and feendysh, ye speakres of The Canterbury Tales:

The Wife of Bath The Franklin The Pardoner

The Summoner The Nun's Priest The Shipman

If yt pleseth thee, thou maye vew othere ymages of al Canterbury Tales plastick figgurres upon Flickerre.