Bruce has explained how the vignette “genre” seems to have begun in Japan about a year or so ago. I recently got a comment from Japanese LEGO blogger kazzen, and perusing his blog for a bit I found a second blog in which he sets forth a fairly interesting idea — a diary illustrated in LEGO.
“Illustrated diaries” are a type of diary in which you draw your diary entry. They’re fairly popular in Japan, especially among kids. (In fact, keeping a daily diary was part of my homework at the Japanese school I attended while growing up in Japan. I still have several years’ worth of illustrated diary entries in a box somewhere. I dug them out a couple of years ago and found that I had meticulously drawn several of my early LEGO creations for posterity.)
So here’s how it works:
- Create a category in your blog called “LEGO Diary” (or create a new blog for your diary).
- Recreate interesting events in your daily life in LEGO.
- Photograph your MOC.
- Post your pictures to your “LEGO Diary” category or your diary blog.
That’s it!
In all honesty, I don’t have time to maintain much of a LEGO diary, but I thought this was a good enough idea to pass on to the English-speaking LEGO community as well.
Kazzen has created a LEGO diary portal (“I just wanted to use the word ‘portal,'” he jokes), and if there’s enough interest among non-Japanese LEGO fans, perhaps someone can do the same in English. (I could do it easily enough with another blog, but a “real” Web site might be better.)
Well, if you’re interested in trying this out, I’d be interested in hearing about it! :-)