My fellow ‘Murrricans! We at The Brothers Brick hope you have all been enjoying a relaxing and safe Independence Day. As you digest your fine barbequed meats and drink some approximation to beer in preparation for the Final Detonation, let’s take look at some of the better holiday-themed LEGO creations that appeared today. America is known for its rich cultural diversity and freedom of speech, and today’s builds certainly reflect that…
On this day, some like to take a more serious stance, and look back at our nation’s founding:
Tyler Clites (legohaulic)
While some prefer to look a little less far back, and go the more popular route:
Chris McVeigh (powerpig)
While others decide to just be brutally honest:
Brailey (That WWII Guy)
And as an immigrant to this fine nation of ours, let me just close by saying: “God bless America, and oh crap I can’t understand your language and everything here scares me!”