According to Japanese animist traditions, Kodoama are tree spirits, part of a rich and very real world of spirits that exist in the objects and phenomena all around us. Outside of Japan, they’re best recognized as the bobble-headed forest spirits seen by the hundreds in Princess Mononoke, the brutal and beautiful animated masterpiece from Hayao Miyazaki. Builder Martin Klein pays tribute to Miyazaki’s take on Kodama with a “life-sized” LEGO model. Martin perfectly captures the pale spirit’s eerily asymmetrical face with just a trio of 1×1, 2×2, and 3×3 round tiles in black. I wonder if the head rattles when shaken? The Kodoma is paired with a leafy branch that buzzes with insect life.
While Martin also photographed this lovely model in a studio setting, I think the Kodoma looks best in its natural forest habitat.