Tag Archives: Jesse Åhlgren

Even reptiles are cute when they’re asking for belly rubs

Occasionally we come across builds on this site that gives us audible reactions, such as a gasp or going ‘wow’. Every now and then though that reaction will be an ‘awww’, as is the case with this adorable gecko by Jesse Åhlgren. Its organic shape makes great use of Bionicle and Hero Factory parts, such as the Rahkshi back covers for the belly.

Blue Gecko

Reptiles do give me the creeps a bit but there’s just something about geckos that makes them really cute. Perhaps it’s their almost comically-oversized toe pads, recreated here with ball joints. For this build I think it’s the tongue sticking out though. It’s a simple addition – just one part – but it gives this little lizard oodles of character. And if you’re not convinced that geckos are cute, then just look at this last picture of it asking for a tickle!

Blue Gecko

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