Another 100-stud long ship – but not the kind you’re thinking of

We’ve featured a lot of big ships recently, what with it having been SHIPtember and all, but they’ve all been the space-faring kind. If you want 100-stud long behemoths that sail the seas rather than the stars, it can be a month of false dawns. Isaiah Durand is here to save the day with this frankly jaw-dropping beast! Christened the Buccaneer’s Dread, it took three years to plan and build. It’s almost as long as it is tall, at a whopping 4 foot 3 inches, or 1.3 metres for the metrically inclined. That’s the height of a small child!

The Buccaneer's Dread

There are some minifigures in the above picture to give you a sense of scale, but it doesn’t really do the details justice.

While it’s not a novelty by now, I will never not be amazed when such huge – and therefore structurally demanding – builds feature full interiors. This pirate ship is no different, and features not just one, but two lower deck levels. You might have to zoom in to the picture below to see all of them. (Photographing such large builds is a skill in itself!) Among other things, I can make out a brig, a livestock pen, and some living quarters.

The Buccaneer's Dread

The cutaway shot also gives a clue to another feature of this build – it’s fully lit up! Much like the string rigging, it’s an awesome detail, but must have required so much patience to do correctly. No wonder this took three years to build! It makes for some terrific atmospheric shots though. My favourite is this one of a shipmate loading what is presumably some grog below deck.

The Buccaneer's Dread

Last but certainly not least is this picture of the rear of the ship. This is actually the picture that first drew our attention to this particular brigand’s vessel. We’re used to seeing greebling on space builds, but this shows it does have its uses elsewhere! The amount of intricate gold-work here is jaw-dropping. It perfectly encapsulates the patience and attention to detail Isaiah has afforded this build.

The Buccaneer's Dread