Win tickets to the BrickCon 2017 Public Exhibition in Seattle [Giveaway]

BrickCon 2017 in Seattle is about a week away, and we are giving away tickets to the public exhibition! Come see the amazing creations that builders from all around the world have brought to BrickCon. (You may even see some of your favorite writers from The Brothers Brick roaming around in our bright green shirts!)

The BrickCon 2017 Public Exhibition is open Saturday Oct, 7 from 10am to 4pm and Sunday, Oct. 8 from 10am to 3pm, located at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall.

You can get your tickets online now, but if they sell out you can try to win some from The Brothers Brick! We are giving away three family packs of four tickets each, good for entry on either Saturday or Sunday at any time.

The contest runs from today until 11:59 on Wednesday, Oct. 4. Leave a comment below about what you are most excited about seeing at BrickCon 2017. We’ll randomly select three entries Thursday morning and then notify the winners. Winners will be able to pick up their tickets at the will call window at the BrickCon Exhibition Hall beginning Saturday morning.

(For builders attending the convention, check out these last minute reminders to register your creations and sign up for games before the deadline at the end of the week.)

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58 comments on “Win tickets to the BrickCon 2017 Public Exhibition in Seattle [Giveaway]

  1. thejadedeye

    I always love seeing what people have done with Classic Space and will make me wish I could’ve done stuff like that as a kid. That said, I’m also stoked to see the vendors to get a few more of my mad ideas out of my head soon.

  2. Melanie S.

    Oh this is awesome!!! I’ve never been but I’m most excited about seeing my five-year-old son’s face when he sees all the builds, creativity, and sheer number of bricks!

  3. Tyler Tsujii

    I can’t wait to see all the amazing creations in general, but I want to spend a good amount of time watching the GBC set ups as I didn’t get to fully appreciate them last year.

  4. Rich Crotty

    I try to take my sons (now 15 and 7) whenever we can. We’ve gotten to go several times over the years, since my older son was 5 or 6.
    We always enjoy the Space Needle and the superhero dioramas, and I love how much both of my sons geek out over the sci-fi sets. That’s what I’m looking forward to the most. The massive moving sci-fi sets, and getting my hands on enough pieces to build some spaceships myself with these 49 year old hands.

    – Rich

  5. Karyn R

    My daughter and I have been going to this for only three years. We had the most fun when the fire alarm was pulled a couple years ago, and when they let us back in, we ran to some of the displays for a closer look. Love all the displays!

  6. Manilyn O.

    I loooooveeee trains! So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they will have displays of different kinds of trains. :-)

  7. Courtney Karnik

    So excited to take my 12 and 5 year old boys- they really Iove to see architectural pieces like the Space Needle recreated in Lego!!

  8. Eric Rowe

    I used to go in high school, but I’ve been missing out the last four years at college. I’m looking forward to the minifig vendors and the castle diorama.

  9. Lindsay

    My son (5) is a lego fantatic and aspiring lego master. He loves to teach his sister (3) how to create new ideas and explains how all the things he puts together. He’s able to figure out designs on his own without any adult input, but his favorite part is tearing it apart and creating something completely new.

  10. Kris Williams

    I would be most excited to see my son’s face as he carefully examines each build to try and visually dissect how it was constructed and then try and replicate it at home.

  11. Sheila Peach

    I’m excited to watch the kids. This will be their first brick con. I want them to see what happens when you build without the box instructions

  12. Hildigrim Took

    I’m super excited to get to hang with my fellow builders. I can’t wait to be building with such a fun group of people!

  13. Kevin Wanner

    I’m most excited about seeing the people there and what fun new building styles I see.

  14. Rove Random

    I’m most excited to see the Time Isles V2 collaboration. This is in no wise because I an contributing, and should not be taken as any sort of shameless plug (although it is highly impressive and is certainly worth a vote for Best in Show).

  15. Classical Bricks

    I’m really looking forward to hanging out with my friends, seeing all the amazing castle displays, and of course the Time Isles!

  16. Karen M Kasprzyk

    Watching my almost 8-year-old Lego obsessed twins’ faces when they see all that is possible with Legos. This will be their first experience at Brickcon

  17. Carol Thomas

    I would most excited to see the look on my grandson’s face! His mom told him about this last week , he and my youngest daughter are both LEGO maniacs!

  18. Jeff Walton

    Having grown up with Lego, I’m really excited to see the imaginations of others come to life. Going to this convention helps me to relive that childhood! I’m really excited to see all the creations and pass on that imagination to my children when they are old enough to build with it!

  19. LegoZebra

    Brick Bazaar (as usual) will be a huge draw, but I’m really excited to see what Classic Space, Blacktron, and other older Space-themes creations!

  20. Brian Hepler

    I am looking forward to seeing Brick Con for the first time with two of my sons. Can’t wait.

  21. Sky

    Having come out of the dark age not too long back, i’d love to see what amazing Lego creations there will be with my 5 years old son and my 2 years old daughter which will be their first of many bricks convention to come :)

  22. Joseph Lowry

    My family and I have never been to a LEGO exhibition in Seattle, and I think it would be great fun for the whole family !!!

  23. Anne Blackburn

    Have never been to a brickcon before, would like to take my adult son and be inspired to build with legal again.

  24. Govind

    I want to go there and see all ideas and designs many creators have come up with and get inspired.

  25. Jen Lee

    Would love to take my avid Lego fans aka my kids to BrickCon (our 1st time). Pretty sure they will be in awe of all the amazing builds and creations.

  26. Matthew Janssen

    I would be soooooo excited if I could actually afford to go to Seattle to see all those amazing creations. I would love to see some superhero builds and some classical/medieval builds.

  27. Joe Reed

    Beatles submarine got me back in to legos Id love to see what amazing Lego creations there will be with my 4 years old grand son and my 8 year old grand daughter which will be their first of many bricks convention to come

  28. Brian

    I work right next door but have never managed to make it over during the event. I’m excited that this year my whole family will be going. My 4 year old daughter, myself (39), and my father (65) all love to play with Lego together and we’ll all be able to see what great things others have done.
    I’ve also never been able to check out a GBC in person and they look so fun to make maybe I’ll give it a go after checking them out.

  29. Nathan Rose

    I want to see something awesome and unexpected; things that I never could have imagined being built out of Lego.

  30. Liz. Nicolino

    My son loves walking up and down the rows of exhibits looking at all the amazing details of the creations

  31. Lucian

    Would love to take my obsessed kid to this event since that’s all he asks about all year long but has to save up for it and earn good points to attend! He loves looking at every little thing multiple times while there and will check out every vendor before deciding on that special Lego item to purchase! If we win it would give him an opportunity to use his saved funds towards a higher purchase or multiple lower purchases. Thx you for your generous offer!

  32. Nathan Rose

    I wanna see something amazing and unexpected. The sort of things I would never have thought could be made from Lego.

    (Not sure what happened to my last attempt at commenting)

  33. Kinamount

    My daughters look forward to seeing the large scale builds every year. It is especially inspirational to see the creativeness on display.

  34. Neal

    We are looking forward to seeing all of the large projects… we are looking to see what to do next. Idea time

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