The holiday season is underway, and for many LEGO fans that means it’s time to crack open the first door on their official LEGO Advent calendars. This year LEGO once again offers the choice of three calendar themes: Town, Friends, and Star Wars. The Brothers Brick will even be joining in the fun, as each day we reveal the daily mini-models from all three sets.
If you could wish for any LEGO Advent calendar theme, what would it be? Ninjago? Space? Wild West? Well, we’d like to know. But we don’t want to you just tell us, we want you to show us in The Brothers Brick “Create-a-calendar” Contest. Simply choose your dream theme for an Advent calendar, and build some example mini-models to illustrate it. The contest runs from now through December 17th, and we’ll announce the winners on Christmas Day.
Build between 5 and 10 LEGO mini-models illustrating your calendar theme. Submit them as a single photo to the official contest Flickr group. Each model should use no more than 20 pieces. If you would like to submit more than one calendar idea you may, but only 3 entries per builder are allowed. Digital creations are not allowed. The deadline for entries is midnight on Saturday December 17th.
To give you an idea of what a custom Advent calendar might look like, TBB senior contributor Elspeth De Montes has built these adorable mini-models for a Brothers Brick themed calendar! Her imaginary calendar includes an Und-editor in fairy costume, a MOC photography setup, a festive pug, the TBB Lemur with a sack full of sorrows, and our frequently overworked TBB web server.
What’s that you say, will there be prizes? Bah, humbug! Actually yes, we have some wonderful prizes line up for the 3 best entries. So get building today, and we wish you all the best of luck.
10254 Winter Holiday Train
10245 Creator Expert Santa’s Workshop
40222 Christmas Build Up