Weekly Amazon LEGO Deals – Hobbit, Ninjago, Architecture & More

This week’s Amazon LEGO sales feature some really decent sets and remember, you can still get these in time for Christmas! It’s getting close so finish up your shopping while you can. Here is are couple of sets that I thought were interesting.

LEGO The Hobbit Dol Guldur Ambush 79011

This set is currently available for $15.99, down from $19.99. That seems like a good deal. This is the only set that has Beorn, plus you get two Orcs. Could be good for building up your Orc army and all that dark grey is great for building cliffs or other landscaping.

LEGO Ninjago 9450 Epic Dragon Battle

This one is an expensive set but is marked off quite a bit. It’s currently available for $87.87, down from $119.99. It comes with some good figures and over 900 pieces that are good for creature building among other things. I’m rather tempted by this one.

LEGO City Police High Speed Chase 60007

This is a fun, little set. Currently available for $22.39, down from $29.99, it has lots of vehicle parts, of course. It also has decent figures and a length of light grey track.

LEGO® Architecture Brandenburg Gate 21011

This one is on sale for $26.40, down from $34.99. These Architecture sets are over-priced, in my opinion, but if you are looking for this set or just want it for all the tan and sand-green, this price is much more reasonable.

LEGO Chima Target Practice 70101

This small set is rather fun and would make a good stocking stuffer-type of gift. It’s heavily discounted at $6.38, down from $14.99. It’s not worth the original price but is great at the discounted price. It includes a Chima figure, some weapons, a spring-loaded dart gun, a Speedor and a variety of parts. The Speedorz are actually rather fun and are made up of some interesting and useful parts. Definitely worth it if you can get them on sale.

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