Keepin’ it real for NnoVVember 2013 [Editorial]

The last stage of the sci-fi theme month trifecta is upon us. And NnoVVember is the original theme month. Started in 2008 by the late great Nate “nnenn” Nielson as a personal challenge to post a Vic Viper starfighter from the Gradius video game series for each day of the month. The challenge has continued each year since, and evolved into a yearly tribute to Nate since he passed away tragically in April of 2010.

Well this year is no different and we want to see everyone’s contribution to the monthly build challenge. However, after some discussion in the Vic Viper flickr group, we want to make sure that everyone brings their A-game. The whole premise of these theme months is to challenge people to build things that they otherwise may not have. But it appears that they are starting to become just an excuse to try and get your build on the final poster/map. Now don’t get me wrong, seeing people building, no matter the quality is great. But it does appear to be a trend in seeing submissions, that quite often by the builders own admission, are sub-par. People are rushing to either get as many builds as possible submitted, or scrambling at the last minute to get something added.

I saw this a lot during the Ma.Ktoberfest challenge, where people continuously posted builds and admitted that they didn’t really think they fit the theme and typically that they didn’t even fully understand what the theme was. I felt rather elitist when having to edit these submissions out, but at the end of the day, the information is out there. I know myself and the other organizers get a lot of satisfaction out of hosting these sorts of events, introducing people to a new theme and challenging them in their building. But if they are choosing to not look into the plethora of background information provided and/or interact within the group to learn from the active members, then that is no fault of my own. Rest assured that there is never a shortage of high quality builds, but I see this as somewhat of a slippery slope and I certainly don’t want the trend to continue and in turn discourage others from participating in the future.

So with all that being said, for this year’s NnoVVember let’s honour Nate’s memory the best way we can, let’s see Quality over Quantity Nate always gave us top quality builds, so we should do the same for him.

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4 comments on “Keepin’ it real for NnoVVember 2013 [Editorial]

  1. IronBricks

    Well said TR. I was guilty of the quantity over the quality last year, but this year I have turned over a new leaf permanently. I hope to get at least one VV build in before the deadline.

  2. Guss

    OH SH… it’s already novvember, does my Shiptember entry count ? it was a vic viper after all :D

    anyway, the first year I tried to enter NoVVember, my VV was lame, so I didn’t submit it for the poster, so be reassured, if I do propose something, it’s because I think it’s cool.

  3. si-mocs

    Yeah I’m aiming for one Vic Viper, maybe two – even though I’m sure I can crank out a bunch – but I’m going to try to take a page from TardisBlue and try refining my build instead of just posting ;)

  4. jimmythefly


    I have wings, forward spars, and most of a set of engines finished.

    From last year. Still sitting on my workbench.


    Hopefully will get it actually built for my first ever nnovember entry.

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