Tyler Clites (Legohaulic) has taken flight with this lovely piece of airborne eye-candy. The cockpit is especailly well-done but the whole thing exudes sleekness.
Tyler Clites (Legohaulic) has taken flight with this lovely piece of airborne eye-candy. The cockpit is especailly well-done but the whole thing exudes sleekness.
As someone interested in military stuff, the cockpit is anything but well-done, unless you were going for “flavorless”.
I disagree. Obviously I like the cockpit. However you are entitled to your own opinion, sir, as am I. After all, that is what a blog is for…to publish one’s own opinion.
I think Tyler’s commissioned models tend to run a little lower resolution than his personal builds, if that counts for anything. I think it’s a cool little chopper.
The canopy is inspired. Mr. Clites captures a very specific shape with an amazingly small number of parts. This model looks very much like the real machine it represents, and I think that is a valid (certainly intuitive and almost universal) criteria to use when evaluating models of real world things. As for bystanders observations… it’s all in his name.
My apologies for holding people who build replicas of real objects/machines/etc to a higher standard, it won’t happen again.
^Can’t take a critique or difference of opinion? You seemed perfectly willing to dish it out, but when it comes back around you can’t take it? Double standard much?