I laughed until my prodigious gut hurt when I laid eyes on the latest model by TBB fixture Iain Heath (Ochre Jelly). I didn’t need to read the text to immediately recognize everyone’s favorite cherubic interviewers Joshua and Matthew from Beyond the Brick TV; the likeness is uncanny and even more proof of Iain’s genius. Iain is the subject of Episode 78 of the long running series and as usual, the interview does not disappoint. Look at those faces!…I can almost hear the uncomfortable pauses and softly murmured “yeah…cool…” at the end of segments.
That last sentence had me smiling, though Joshua and Matthew are probably shaking their fists at the screen right now…
I hope so, although I’ve got nothin’ but love for the boys at Beyond the Brick, the recent interview with Andrew Lee was a classic.
One can only hope that some day… they will be discribed as cherubic. It’s an unspoken goal that many of us share. Love the show, and the build! Great stuff.