Enough of you out there have joined the ranks of our readership since my last post about this that a brief reminder seems in order: If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, you can see when we’ve posted something new here on The Brothers Brick as soon as we post it.
As always, there are lots of ways to connect with TBB and get your daily LEGO fix from us elsewhere on the web:
- YouTube
- Google+
- RSS feed
- Blogged by The Brothers Brick group on Flickr
- TBB’s official Flickr account
Finally, don’t forget that you can help define the “face” of TBB on Facebook and Twitter by submitting your LEGO photos to our TBB Cover Photos pool on Flickr.
Already followed you on Facebook and Twitter. Added on Google , Flickr, and YouTube as well!
^ Thanks! We’re right there, wherever you go. :-P