I am a sucker for full-size LEGO replicas of medieval weapons. Having one be something as iconic as “Sting” is even better. Cole Edmonson built it and I want one.
I am a sucker for full-size LEGO replicas of medieval weapons. Having one be something as iconic as “Sting” is even better. Cole Edmonson built it and I want one.
That is awesome! I love full-sized lego swords, and Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite books and movies! Superb creation!
Well, I want one aswel!
Hello Everyone!
I have now created a set of step-by-step building instructions for my replica sword ‘Sting’ and its scabbard that I am selling for $20 USD on Ebay (seen here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221161001392) and by email; if you are interested in having your own copy of ‘Sting,’ please visit this page for all the details: http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/347685. Thanks for all of your interest!