Earliest photos of Lego Monster reveal disturbing penchant for sheer scale

To celebrate his birthday recently, Ed Diment showed off this massive structure — the CN Tower — he built at age six back in 1978:

It somehow seems appropriate that Ed grew up to build HMS Hood.

Anybody else out there have photos of themselves with LEGO from twenty years ago? Thirty? More? I posted mine from 1978 a couple years ago.

Do share. :D

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15 comments on “Earliest photos of Lego Monster reveal disturbing penchant for sheer scale

  1. oldmanfury

    Here’s a stop-motion I did with my brother in it. Not all lego, but some castle-goodness is in there (with a blurry lego decapitation too!).

  2. Curtis

    hmatthes: are you the one picking your noes? hehe;)

    I sadly don’t think I ever took pictures of my Lego creations when I was a child. Honestly it wasn’t something I thought of until just a few years ago. I do however have a Legoland Pamphlet from Billund, I went when I was born back in 87 (or should I say was taken there). Maybe that’s why I like Lego so much, it was thrown at me in my infancy. Some day I’ll have to go back there, since I don’t remember any of it.

  3. Thanel

    I think I have a black & white picture I took for a high school photography class of a 2ft tall castle that Andrew built over a school break. I organized the armies. I think we had a house and inn outside the walls. We built a viking long boat that marauded in the bay behind. The castle had a keep, four towers, arsenal, great hall, throne room, chapel, store room and dungeon. I’ll have to dig up the pictures just to embarass him at the risk of embarasshing myself with my bad photography.

    We could do better now. Maybe an excuse to visit family, even if they do talk smack on 2yr old TBB posts about younger brothers. People posting pictures of themselves wearing plaid pants should not throw stones.

  4. lostcarpark

    I know there are some shots of young Ralph Salverberg out there somewhere.

    My parents don’t seem to have any pictures of me with Lego. :-(

  5. The Mad Physicist

    That’s a spelling of my name I haven’t seen before ;-) There indeed is a similar picture of myself with a MOC from 1980 (I was four at the time). Not surprisingly my MOC is considerably smaller than Ed’s, so nothing has changed there. Ed disputes that my windmill sails are SNOT, but I’ll leave it to all of you to judge:


  6. Shannon Young

    I guess I’ll have to go berate my parents for never taking any pictures of me with my Lego creations. It would be a riot to see with a modern critical eye those spaceships and bases I was making in the early 80’s, which were so cool at the time…

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