Shenanigans at Everfrost Mountain Brewery

Following our suggestions over the last few days, reader -greenglo- sent us a reminder that we’d missed his awesome Colossal Castle Contest VI entry titled “Everfrost Mountain Brewery”:

There are lots of great details to check out on Flickr, including detailed shots of the great green Ogre with light-up eye, but the 2-second video is what caught my attention:

Belatedly, via Gizmodo.

And a quick production note: Josh is an administrator at, and therefore a judge for this contest. In general, he’s avoided potential conflict of interest by not blogging CCC6 entries. The rest of us here at TBB should’ve done a better job of covering for him, but a few great Castle creations have fallen through the cracks.

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4 comments on “Shenanigans at Everfrost Mountain Brewery

  1. Josh

    As Andrew’s note stated, I am an Admin at CC. I’ve tried to remain objective and not give precedence to any of the entries both during the contest and now during the judging. That is almost completed.

    Also there are so many excellent entries, the blog would have been flooded!

    Anyway, that said, this Brewery is one of my favorites. Excellent job!

  2. Curtis

    The ogre is excellent alongside the rest of the scene. I hadn’t seen any of -greenglo-‘s work before, this is something I love about TBB, always showcasing new people I’ve never heard of before, it gives me a way to broaden my network on flickr.

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