Hispabrick 003 now available in both Spanish and English [News]

Hispabrick Magazine 003 (English)The third issue of Hispabrick Magazine has been translated from Spanish into English and is now available for download.

This issue includes:

Congratulations to Carlos Mendez, Lluis Gibert, IƱigo Lazcanotegui, and the rest of the team at Hispabrick Magazine for another excellent issue.

3 comments on “Hispabrick 003 now available in both Spanish and English [News]

  1. Columbus

    Nice cover!

    I wasn’t a great fan of the Arvo Brothers, until the first time I saw their attractive looks, the authentic Spanish power!


  2. Lluis Gibert

    Thanks Nolnet.

    We understand that most part of the AFOL Community don’y understand Spanish. The translation is done by spanish AFOLs. It is not a professional translation, but we think that this effort can benefit all the Community.

    I would like to thanks to all the people who helped us to make and translate the Magazine ans we would like to encourage you all to give your opinions in our website, and to send us articles for future issues.


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