You couldn’t tell it’s lego from a distance. Nelson Yrizarry uses white tree leaf pieces to construct the beautiful lattice of a snowflake. The snowflake is sturdy enough to be hung, amazing.
You couldn’t tell it’s lego from a distance. Nelson Yrizarry uses white tree leaf pieces to construct the beautiful lattice of a snowflake. The snowflake is sturdy enough to be hung, amazing.
What’s truly amazing is that those are fairly rare pieces…
They’re not rare if you have the $$$ :D
It was expensive, but not too expensive. ;) The real question is “Would you buy one if this was an official LEGO set?” Think about it! :^)
didn’t LEGO have an official snowflake set that looked similar to this available via catalog last year around this time?
Lego had a little snowflake ornament last year. It looked OK but wasn’t nearly as big.