The Brickster has found an early copy of 7029 Skeleton Ship Attack at a local (not sure where) Toys R Us and has created a photo review on Eurobricks:
The Brickster has found an early copy of 7029 Skeleton Ship Attack at a local (not sure where) Toys R Us and has created a photo review on Eurobricks:
The lego store in bellevue has actually had that set for at least a week if not two. FYI.
Sheesh. Show’s what I know. Thanks!
Another review (with photos) of this set (Polish language) from 2007-06-24. This set is available to buy in Poland – for an example in this store: , or internet auctions.
How can a skeleton have a beard?^^
Anyway, it looks good, but I sorta think this is leaning back more towards the Vikings theme…
been expecting this because on when you go to the castle page right there is the skeleton captain
The set has been out awhile.
And for $70 it’s way too much.