Coming Soon

If you’re seeing this, you’re one of the first to know that we’re starting up The Brothers Brick on its own domain. Until we get everything up and running, you can continue to read about LEGO news and creations on our old Blogger blog.

EDIT 12/21/06: And we’re now live on!

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

7 comments on “Coming Soon

  1. Josh

    Sweet! Lots of room in here, good potential. Funny how everything echoes when there’s no furniture. I can see us living here for quite some time. :)

  2. Bill Gates

    Be sure to activate that Akismet spamcatcher plugin if you haven’t already. You can get the needed api key from your blogsplat account. Real timesaver, that one.

  3. smcginnis


    This is smcginnis from C-C. I can finally comment on your blog. I was going to join Blogger, and I probably still will, but it’s nice to be able to comment in the meantime.


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