News: LEGO Shortage at Christmas?

The Associated Press is reporting that retailers may face shortages of LEGO during the upcoming holiday shopping season.

“Many of our most popular products are sold out,” Lego spokeswoman Charlotte Simonsen said. “As part of efforts to restructure the company and focus on our core business, we had to make some cuts and the company has not had time to readjust its production.”

While having strong demand for your product might be a good thing, the article continues:

Boersen, Denmark’s leading financial newspaper, estimated that Lego could lose 750 million kroner ($127 million) because of lost Christmas sales.

EDIT (11/1/06): News of LEGO shortages were apparently greatly exaggerated, as Steve Witt has posted on his blog:

The media reports of a LEGO shortage this holiday season stem from an interview given in Denmark with regard to a supply issue in Scandinavia, but remarks were misconstrued to represent a global issue. We are not experiencing a shortage of LEGO sets in the U.S. or Canada this holiday season. All of our key retailers are well stocked with what we believe will be the most popular LEGO sets, and have indicated they too are satisfied with their stock. It’s always best to get out early to be sure you get what you’re hoping to find.

Kinda sucks if you live in Scandinavia (sorry Linus!), but for those of us here in the States, this is great news!

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