Micro Bikini Bottom by Ochre Jelly

Ochre Jelly asks, “Hasn’t the world had enough custom Lego robots and space ships? ;-)”

Ha! A fair question, to be sure. So, if you’re tired of seeing nothing but mecha and intergalactic cargo haulers here on The Brothers Brick, do what OJ did — build something different, post it, and let us know. If we like what you send us, we’ll post it.* :D

Here’s Ochre Jelly’s very microscale Bikini Bottom, as a 3D stereogram no less:

3D Lego: Bikini Bottom

* And for the record, we can’t post everything, so just because we don’t post it doesn’t mean we don’t think it’s cool.

2 comments on “Micro Bikini Bottom by Ochre Jelly

  1. Ochre Jelly

    If the photos on the MOCPages site above don’t load, try my Brickshelf site instead […the ISP that hosts my photos has a 4Mb per hour download limit :-( ]. Thanks for viewing! And thanks to BB for the mention! – OJ

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